The lockdown announced by the Government of India effective 25th March while controlling the growth of Covid19 in the country has created immense distress and suffering for many daily wage workmen. The halt of all economic activities and people being advised to stay at home has led to loss of livelihood for these workmen. This has directly affected on their capacity to provide food for their families.
It was during these times that the Rich’s Plant Leadership Teams at the Kala Amb Plant, Himanchal Pradesh location came together, made voluntary financial contributions and along with the support of the local Authorities donated food to 120 families of daily wage workmen for March 31st and April 1st in Himanchal Pradesh.
Along with this they also donated sanitation kit (Soap + Sanitizer) to 30 people working in Cleaning services with Govt. department.
In addition to this the Pune Plant Team also made voluntary financial contributions, and with the support of local authorities donated food for 95 needy families from 1st April to 4th April. The best part of both these initiatives were that they were done in the lockdown environment, with the help of local authorities while maintaining Associate Safety.
The objective & motive is to support the people who lost their jobs/ source of income during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Date of the Activity: March 2020 & April 2020
Associate Name: Pune and HP Plant Volunteers